
Digital Transformation

The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Retail Industry

Digital transformation is inevitable in the retail industry. The way consumers shop and purchase goods has changed dramatically in recent years, and retail businesses have had to change with it. Many retailers have implemented digital transformation strategies, but some...
BSV for eSports

Bitcoin SV bets on eSports for its massification

Video games have quickly become a massive market for mainstream entertainment , with competitive games, better known as eSports , drawing widespread attention and driving growth across the industry. The gaming industry has looked at esports as its next big potential gaming product for some...

Guide to know what cryptocurrencies are

What are cryptocurrencies? A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptographic encryption to guarantee its ownership and ensure the integrity of transactions, and control the creation of additional units, that is, prevent someone from making copies as we would,...


How to Survive Tennis Lobs with your Partner

Surviving a lob over your partner’s head requires both quick thinking and a solid plan of action to emerge back in control. In this lesson...
Hubflix features

Features of Hubflix